The black market

The black market is a strange and very peculiar place. It is run by Mrs. Hubert and you have to venture into it with caution. The powers linked to the items it sells can be worrying although some are powerful.
It has an icon representing a white fabric tent. The items found here are bought with passes.
These items cannot be passed on from parents to foal. They cannot be taken from one horse and given to another and cannot be recovered if the horse should die.
The black market items
Pandora's box
Price: 1 pass
Pandora's box enables you to bring the horse of your choice back to life, restoring its health and energy to 100%. Resuscitated horses are reborn in the same condition as when they died.
Horses over the age of 25 cannot be resuscitated as they died at an advanced age and are already resting in peace.
1-if a mare is in gestration the box brings back the foal to
The golden apple
Price: 1 pass
The apple enables you to change your horse's coat. You can therefore select a new coat, designed by the other Howrse players. These coats are mostly magnificent, so feel free to take a look at them.
Come back here to take a look often, as new coats are added each time players use the black pearl.
The golden apple can only be used on horses and ponies over the age of 3, and the special coats are not passed on to foals.
The apple takes priority over Medusa's blood. If you give your horse a golden horse apple and it then changes into a Pegasus, it will keep its golden apple coat.
Here are the bonuses this transformation gives:
Stamina: +2 %
Speed: +2 %
Dressage: +2 %
Galloping: +2 %
Trotting: +2 %
Jumping: +2 %
The water of youth
Price: 1 pass
The water of youth does not mean your horse becomes younger, but rather it ages month per month, instead of twice every 2 months. It hence ages slower and lives longer!
Be careful! The water of youth will not multiply your horse's capacity to learn by two.It will simply enable you to spend longer on this and if you have a stallion, you can do twice as many coverings!
Medusa's blood
Price: 1 pass
Medusa's blood is a very rare product, which is drawn from ocean beds. It is the source of all pegasuses, which are winged horses. These pegasuses can reproduce but their foals will be normal horses.
You can only give Medusa's blood to horses and ponies over the age of 1 year and 8 months.
The apple is a priority over Medusa's blood. If you give your horse a golden horse apple and it then changes into a Pegasus, it will keep its golden apple coat.
Here are the bonuses this transformation gives:
Stamina: +3 %
Speed: +4 %
Dressage: +4 %
The black orchid
Price: 1 pass
The black orchid restores your horses full health, energy and morale.
Aphrodite's tears
Price: 1 pass
Aphrodite's tears can increase the innate skills from your mare's descendents by 10% in their new gestation.Hence, a foal which would normally have had innate skills of +12, +6, +5, +8, +10, +7 in stamina, speed, dressage, galloping, trotting and jumping, will increase to +18, +9, +8, +12, +15, +11 with Aphrodite's tears.
Carefully pick the mares you give Aphrodite's tears to. The innate skills depend on the quality of the parents, and if the parents are not good enough, then the descendents will not be. In this case, there is no point in using Aphrodite's tears and you will have lost one pass.
Along with the fertility wand, Aphrodite's tears will then have their effect on the two foals to be born.
The piece of cloud
Price: 1 pass
A piece of cloud is something priceless due to its rarety and its fragility. The power of this piece of sky is incomparable since it enables you to go back in time. By giving a piece of cloud to your horse, it will become 4 months' younger and you will win 2 aging points!
Please note that this object does not age, it does not change the history of actions. If you give a piece of cloud at 4pm, your horse will become 4 months' younger but it will still be 4pm in its history. It is therefore interesting not to give the piece of cloud too late to your horse or you will not be able to put your horse to bed and age him. The piece of cloud does not change the energy, health, morale or cleanliness of the horse.
A piece of cloud can only be used once.
So as not to disrupt the time cycle, you can only give the same horse twenty pieces of cloud. Beyond that, the temporal return might no longer be able to be controlled and the horse may disappear as long as this evanescent object plays with powerful forces!
It can only be given to horses and ponies over the age of 5; before this age it could disrupt their growth.
Chronos' timer
Price: 2 passes
Chronos's timer enables your horses to make progress twice as fast, and therefore complete their training at a young age.
Riding, training and learning through competitions are the activities affected by Chronos's timer.
Be aware that Chronos's timer will not double the skills your horse can acquire. It will only enable its learning speed to double.
Hephaestus' horseshoes
Price: 1 pass
With these magic horseshoes, your horse will gain speed and stamina!
Here are the bonuses this transformation gives:
Stamina: +9 %
Speed: +9 %
The horn of plenty
Price: 1 pass
The horn of plenty is packed with riches which can be poured out of it. Among these riches, you will find money, turnips and apples and also aging points or a black market item! And if Ouranos and Gaïa are favourable, you can also get harnessing parts to lead out your horse or pony on the competition fields!
Fortune influences what you find in a horn of plenty, and Fortune changes. Note that once you have opened your horn, it will run dry and nothing more will pour out of it.
Atalante's saddle
Price: 1 pass
With Atalante's saddle, your horse will have additional speed and stamina.
Atalante's saddle does not wear and tear, but it cannot be removed from the horse you have given it to.Note that Atalante's saddle will not appear in the saddlery; it will only be visible on your horse.
Here are the bonuses this transformation gives:
Stamina: +9 %
Speed: +9 %
The fertility wand
Price: 1 pass
Thanks to the fertility wand, your mare will give birth to real twins in her next gestation period.
With this object, the cost of giving birth does not increase but remains between €500 and 600
Morpheus' arms
Price: 3 passes
Morpheus' arms enable you to put your horse to bed and age him as many times as you want each time, without however consuming aging points. This object can only be used on horses over the age of 3.
NB: the effect of Morpheus' arms stops at the age of 30 for immortal horses. Once they are over this age, the horses can no longer be aged indefinitely. Of course, horses with Morpheus' arms no longer find aging point.
Zeus' lightning bolt
Price: 1 pass
Zeus' lightning bolt enables you to change the sex of your horses. Mares in gestation and geldings cannot benefit from this object.
The philosopher's stone
Price: 4 passes
The philosopher's stone gives immortality to the horse of your choice! As it is an extremely rare stone, its price is therefore prohibitive. Immortal horses can reproduce throughout their life.
Immortality is not passed down to foals, as it is solely for the horse on which it is applied.
Immortal horses disappear from the rankings once they are over 25.
Eolus' wind
Price: 1 pass
With Eolus's wind, your horse's galloping, jumping and trotting will soar!
Here are the bonuses this transformation gives:
Galloping: +9 %
Trotting: +9 %
Jumping: +9 %
Athena's bridle
Price: 1 pass
Athena's bridle is recommended to improve your horses' dressage and jumping.
It does not wear and tear, but it cannot be removed from the horse you have given it to.Note that Athena's bridle will not appear in the saddlery; it will only be visible on your horse.
Here are the bonuses this transformation gives:
Dressage: +7 %
Jumping: +2 %
The black pearl
Price: 4 passes
The Black pearl enables you to create personalized coats and then apply them on your horses.
Instructions : to create a new coat, you can inspire yourself from existing models present on Howrse. But remember you can never copy! or your artistic talent to design a coat which can be of realistic or imaginary style. In all cases, the coats taken from current game graphics may not be accepted.
The coat must be on a white background. We will then ensure that your coat is adjusted to the necessary dimensions and we will apply it on the horse of your choice.
How does it work?
Q : How to create new coat?
R : You can draw a coat for a horse or a pony with any technique or tool, on paper (which you can scan afterwards) or on your home computer and only on white background, so that we can adjust it to Howrse’s graphics.
Q : Can I use my Black pearl more than once?
A : No, the Black pearl can only be used for one coat.
Q : How long do I have to wait for my coat to be put on the website?
A : We receive a lot of coats, so you can wait up to 2 weeks after your coat was sent.
Q : Can other players use the coats that I have drawn on their horses?
A : Yes and you win 1 pass each time 5 players choose one of your coats, with a limit of 4O passes per coat. So you can get back the passes you spent once your coat is used 20 times (4 passes).
Q : On which horses can we use a special coat?
A : The Black pearl may only be used on horses and ponies over the age of 3.
Q : Can I put my signature on a coat I made?
A : No, because it could bother us when we adjust the coat to the website. But your login and the name of the coat will be automatically written, so everyone will know that it is your work!
Why was my coat refused?
Q : I sent the wrong drawing, can I change it?
A : Except for abusive usage of the Black pearl, any coat sent by mistake is cancelled and you are repaid you passes.
Q : My coat was refused and I don’t understand why.
A : We reserve ourselves the right to refuse any coat without having to justify the reasons, you will be repaid in that case.
Q : Can I put a background behind my horse?
A : No, your horse must be drawn on a white background to suit the game, if not it will be refused.
Q : Can I draw a horse harnessed, with a blanket?
A : No, we will refuse it.
Q : Can I draw a unicorn or a draft horse?
A : No, the coats are not used for unicorns and draft horses.
Q : Can I draw a horse with a rider?
A : No, we will refuse it.
Q : Can I retouch a photo found on Internet?
A : Yes, if you retouch it significantly using your own style. If it is only a copy or has been only slightly changed it will be refused. If it is clear the coat is of a photographed horse it will be refused.
Q : Can I use a coat from another player?
A : No, not even if the player is on another world or another game. Only if the player allows you to do so, then you can take one of their coats as a base and work on it.
Q : Can I use a coat coming from the current graphics ?
A : No you can’t use a coat from the Horwse current graphics, however you can use them to inspire yourself during the creation of other special coats.
Q : What punishments will be applied if I commit an abuse?
A : Players who offer a coat which they have not created themselves or have cheated will be immediately deducted 10 karma points. Thank you for your understanding.